Don't Let the bed bugs bite...
What are Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are ectoparasites. Parasite, meaning they acquire nutrition from feeding on another organism. Ecto, meaning from the outside of the body. So, bed bugs feed on humans form the outside of the body, through the skin. Bed bugs use the nutrients in our blood to create energy. From what scientists can tell, humans are the only host for bed bugs. Bed bugs evolved form a similar species, bat bugs, when humans and bats shared habitats in caves millions of years ago. Bed bugs have lived tucked away inside our beds ever since.
Bed bugs are small insects. Adults range in color from light brown to dark red. The red comes from the blood after they feed. Eggs and nymphal stages of bed bugs are often white to light brown. Adults are about a centimeter long, and very flat. This flat body shape lets them squeeze into cracks where they go unknown.
There are many signs that you may have bed bugs. Bites are often the first signs of an infestation. They leave little red whelps on your body. However, bites are only reason to further inspect for bed bugs and should not be assumed you have bed bugs if bites are the only sign. Some people may not react to a bed bug bite, or may confuse it with another insect bite or skin condition.
More conclusive signs that you may have a bed bug infestation require a thorough inspection. Bed bugs leave many signs around your beds and couches including old cast skins, fecal spots, and live bed bugs.
If you believe you may have bed bugs, call your local pest control professional for a free inspection.
The short answer: bed bugs come from somewhere else that has bed bugs.
The long answer: bed bugs can come form a number of places. Common places bed bugs infest include beds, couches, chairs, hotel rooms, movie theater seats, air plane seats, and any other places people spend extended periods of time. From there, bed bugs hitch hike on your clothes or bags back to your own bed.
However, bed bugs are not easily transportable. They have to endure the long journey from their current location to a new location that is suitable for them to live. They can not survive outside, or anywhere with out a host. However they can live for up to 6 months with out a blood meal.

What you can do
So what can you do to prevent bud bugs? Truthfully there are not many thing you can do to prevent bed bugs. The best thing you can do is inspect any places you will be sleeping. When you check into a hotel room, spend the night at a friends house, or anything of the sorts, pull the bed sheets back and away from the wall and inspect for any signs of bed bugs in cracks and crevices on the bed, head board, night stand, etc.
When you return form a trip, instead of sprawling your suitcase and clothing on your bed, instead place your clothes directly in the washer and dryer and clean them on high temperature. Leave your suitcase in the garage or attic away from your bed or couches. These steps should drastically decrease your odds of finding bed bugs.