Its that time of year again for termites..
As spring time warms the ground, termite colonies receive this as a signal to preform their annual reproductive process – swarming.
What is a termite swarmer?
Technically it would be many swarmers. Every spring, termite colonies instinctively release thousands of reproductive individuals, these are called swarmers. These swarmers have one responsibility, to create a new colony. A termite colony consists of different types of casts of termites including workers, soldiers, and reproductive. Swarmers are the reproductive cast.
What does it mean if I find them in my home?
If you find termites in your home, your house it likely a food source for termites. They have moved from the ground into the wooden structures in your home. When they swarm, they pick a location that is far away from the ground, and this is often inside your home. For more information on termite control see our termite control page.
If you find termite swarmers, or would like to have your home inspected, call our office to set up a free inspection or quote.
What do termite swarmers look like?
Termite swarmers are about half an inch long, have black bodies, and white wings. The video below is a good example of swarming termites.